Thrip Management
Warmer weather can sometimes bring unwanted pests in the garden. Thrips are the most damaging insects to the leaves of onions. They thrive when conditions are hot and dry. Cool weather slows their development, and heavy rain or overhead irrigation can significantly lower the population….
Dixondale Famous Fried Onion Rings
This great onion recipe comes from Dixondale Farms! If you have an onion recipe you’d like us to share, please email it to Peel the onions and cut them into half-inch slices, then separate them into rings before refrigerating them in a container of cold…
Bolting: Causes and Prevention
Bolting in Alliums Bolting can be a problem with onions, leeks, and related species, and generally occurs in response to cold weather stress. Sustained temperatures of less than 45° F may result in bolting with as few as five leaves present. If the temperature falls…
Onion Plant Ordering Tips
The 2019 Dixondale Farms catalog was mailed in early October. Click to view our online catalog or request one be mailed to you. Four ways to order your onion plants from Dixondale Farms: By phone at 1-830-876-2430 Online at By mail to: PO Box 129, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834…
Marketing Tactics for Selling More Onions
When considering the best way to market your onions, we should first embrace more ways to use this wonderful commodity. We are consuming slightly more onions than we were 10 years ago; the per capita consumption has raised to about 20 pounds. Red onions are…
Harvesting Tips
How Do I Know When My Onions Are Ready? Onions are officially ready to harvest when the tops turn yellow or brown and fall over. Some of your plants may grow the maximum number of leaves: 13. At this point, you need to stop watering…
Onion Harvesting and Curing Tips
Harvesting Onions are officially ready to harvest when the tops turn yellow or brown and fall over. Be sure to stop watering once you see the tops falling over. Watering during this time can decrease your storage potential. Keep in mind that the last thing…
Expecting Rain?
Recently, we have received quite a few phone calls from customers that are experiencing wet, rainy weather in their parts of the country. Some of these customers are just planting, while others are asking should they harvest before or after the rain passes. Keeping Your…
Best Onion Varieties for Your Area
One of the keys to successful onion growing is planting varieties that are suitable for your geographic area. Onions are bred for each growing area based on daylength, or the number of hours of daylight needed for maturity. The country is divided into three basic daylength types that…
Onions for Your Health
Since we grow so many onions here at Dixondale, we’ve heard a thing or two about onions and health over the years. This month we want to discuss some of those benefits that onions can offer. A Little Onion History The onion is one of…