French Onion-Pork Chop Skillet
Onion Cheese Soup
Root Development of Onions
Onions have a shallow, sparsely branched root system with most roots in the top foot of soil. Rooting density decreases with soil depth. The sparse, shallow rooting of onions has important implications for management of relatively immobile nutrients (Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and some micronutrients…
Onions are a Cold-Season Crop
Onions are a cold-season crop, so the best time to plant them is in the fall in mild-winter areas or early spring in northern states. The onion plant initially concentrates establishing a root system. Once the root system is established in normally two to three…
Classic Beef Brisket with Caramelized Onions
This month we launched our ALL-NEW website that we are proud to announce is more user-friendly and is packed with even more information than before. It’s ready for you to start placing orders and continues to provide information for all of your onion growing needs….
Classic Lipton Onion Soup Meatloaf
Goodbye Copra, Hello Patterson!
In 2019, we were notified that Copra onion seed would no longer be produced and immediately purchased all the seed that was available. When seed companies produce hybrid onion seed, such as Copra, there must be both maternal and paternal parent lines; meaning two open…
Dixondale’s Other Crop – Cantaloupes!
Carrizo Cantaloupes are grown, packed, and shipped by Dixondale Farms February – July each year. Find them at your Texas grocery outlet.