Unusual Weather Patterns and Your Onions
Too much rain Our friends in the southeast have received quite a bit of rain lately. We recommend protecting your onions with a fungicide such as Mancozeb Fungicide with Zinc. This will keep them strong, healthy, and disease free during the damp, dreary weather conditions. If…
Ideal Size of Your Onion Plants
Every season, many customers contact us regarding plant size. Optimal plant size at the time of transplanting is about that of a pencil, ≈1 cm or slightly less than ½ inch in diameter, which usually translates to the plant having 4 leaves. If an onion…
What to Know About Fall Onions
Planting For Fall Harvest? If you plant onions now, they’ll start bulbing (pushing away the surrounding soil) very soon, even though the onions have not fully developed. This is because bulbing is triggered not by plant size, but by daylength. Spring planting allows time for…
Watering Your Onion Patch
The right amount of moisture is key in your onion patch. When watering your onions, there is a fine line that must not be crossed when it comes to the amount of water your onions need. Onion plants require adequate water to produce high yields,…
Thrip Management
Warmer weather can sometimes bring unwanted pests in the garden. Thrips are the most damaging insects to the leaves of onions. They thrive when conditions are hot and dry. Cool weather slows their development, and heavy rain or overhead irrigation can significantly lower the population….
Expecting Rain?
Recently, we have received quite a few phone calls from customers that are experiencing wet, rainy weather in their parts of the country. Some of these customers are just planting, while others are asking should they harvest before or after the rain passes. Keeping Your…