April 2022 Onion Patch Newsletter
Hello Gardeners, While the little flower stalk shooting out of your onion is pretty, it is something you hope to prevent. What is bolting, and why does it happen? Understanding the process can help to prevent it. We hope this month’s newsletter clears up any…
March 2022 Onion Patch Newsletter
Hello Gardeners, Spring is in the air! Now that we’re able to get out and enjoy some sun and breathe fresh air, it’s time to go play in the garden. You’ll see some medicinal and nutritional benefits of onions in this month’s article. The Nutritional…
February 2022 Onion Patch Newsletter
Hello Gardeners, We wanted to share this beautiful picture of red onions to start the month of Valentine’s Day. This month we have an article about protecting your onion plants from cold weather. Speaking of cold weather, we have a fantastic recipe that will keep…
Protect your plants from Rough Weather
With the wildly fluctuating temperatures in most parts of the country lately, you need to be vigilant about protecting your onions. Here are some helpful tips and facts to keep your crops safe as they develop. Insulation as Prevention Onions can withstand frosts and moderate…
How to Water your Onion Plants
Onions have a relatively high water demand and the yields and quality respond to soil moisture levels in the upper 12” of the soil. When irrigating your onions, you need to provide enough water for the onion to use by replacing the amount that is…
Root Development of Onions
Onions have a shallow, sparsely branched root system with most roots in the top foot of soil. Rooting density decreases with soil depth. The sparse, shallow rooting of onions has important implications for management of relatively immobile nutrients (Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and some micronutrients…
The ALL-NEW dixondalefarms.com!
This month we launched our ALL-NEW website that we are proud to announce is more user-friendly and is packed with even more information than before. It’s ready for you to start placing orders and continues to provide information for all of your onion growing needs….
Goodbye Copra, Hello Patterson!
In 2019, we were notified that Copra onion seed would no longer be produced and immediately purchased all the seed that was available. When seed companies produce hybrid onion seed, such as Copra, there must be both maternal and paternal parent lines; meaning two open…
Delayed Onion Packages
January 2021 – Due to increased volume through the USPS system, many of our packages are experiencing extended shipping times. A normal 3 day package is taking 7-10 days. While this isn’t ideal, no need to stress just yet. We do guarantee our plants will…